An acquaintance posted this video to Facebook, which really isn't worth sharing at all, but definitely sparked some conversation.
Brady is right when he says that we have other issues in Illinois. States ought to be run more like companies - if your company is bankrupt, you don't worry about whether your employees get a new hand dryer installed in the bathrooms, you worry about getting out of debt.
Individual people get this. Governments just never do.
None of these so-called "equal rights" laws are neccssary, the people who oppose them are the older generation, whose children have not embraced their archaic beliefs
the opposition will literally die off
It is inevitable.
I am not a fan of passing all these extra laws along the way, pushing for a faster change, because all those laws eventually will come back to bite everyone in the ass. Like the hate crimes definition expansion to GLBT - I don't want special rules - I want the same damn rules as everyone else.
I wonder if people will ever stop "identity voting" (race, orientation etc.) - like single-issue voting, it has really damaged our politics. People need to think for themselves.
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