There is something eerie about the lowing of cattle, meek, mindless creatures of the herd, and one might think, alien to our own human experience. But, in the last few decades, it reminds one more often of the murmuring of crowds, stupid crowds, so-called progressives and the burnt-out hippies, from soft-sell communists to the lunatic leftist liberals - all mooing and murmuring.
The liberal cattle are against free enterprise, favor large controlling governments, and believe without question whatever fattening tidbits the left-slanted media shoves down their slavering throats. They chew on the same sound-bites day in and day out, never questioning, always consuming, forever wondering how they can give up further responsibilities in their lives. They don't like anyone who isn't part of the herd, and will stampede, (despite declarations of peace and open-mindedness) if provoked by such trifles as logic or facts.
We are not here to deny anyone the right to choose an idyllic existence of ignorant bovine bliss, but merely to stand out unequivocally against and away from a doomed and dangerous view of the world and, more specifically, of the United States of America.
Cattle do not look up, they don't see the sky, and they always seek only the safest pasture. As humans, we seek instead to elevate ourselves beyond the herd, always examining, always seeking, and always thinking independently. Our context is the history of mankind, and from this perspective, we'll illuminate the vagaries of human nature, both the divine and the vulgar. We'll discuss how they complement a man and provide the impetus for greatness. There is no equality amongst men in nature, only in perfected governance. Let the inequalities shine and we shall revel in them. The individual shall be set free!
Think like an individual, be treated accordingly. Think like treated like cattle.
We've made our choice, what's yours?